We went to the Broadway Musical, Sweet Charity starring Molly Ringwold ( Molly Ringwald as Sweet Charity - www.sweetcharityontour.com ) last night. The play was good. Molly Ringwald is no Liza Minelli, but she did play Annie when she was a little girl ... I can see that ... Can't you?
On the way to the play, traffic on the Interstate slowed to a crawl. I weaved in and through traffic (running late as usual) and when I got to the front of the pack, I looked over and saw four young Mexican men in a car that was way too old to even be on the road, driving slow but probably as fast as they could in the passing lane. They looked scared and confused.
I felt sorry for them. I'm not sure they knew their car or the rules of the road and yet, the GREAT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA will issue a Driver's License to anyone, without a birth certificate or a permanent address! That will end up biting them in the butt, but how many lives will it cost on the roads first? Man, our country needs to get a handle on this stuff!
Seeing those boys made me think ... If I were Mexican, would I want those boys to be representative of my race or would I be embarrassed?
I know race is a HOT POTATO SUBJECT, but it's okay for me to have these thoughts run through my mind because I'm the only one in there! Kids are kids. As you might imagine, race is a big deal in South Carolina. It's hard to go anywhere and not hear someone look at a kid doing something stupid and mutter a racial slur under their breath ... and sad to say, those mutterings come from all races about all races, so nobody's left out ... BUT kids are kids. We can find bad ones if we look for them, but we can find good ones too of all races ...
I got up this morning and did laundry. Not an exciting Saturday morning, but necessary, just the same. I noticed their was lint on the other side of the lint trap too. I pulled it out and looked inside the place where lint goes and it's full, even after emptying the lint trap every time! I got out the vacuum and got a bunch of it, the whole time wondering where in the world does all the lint come from?!!! No wonder clothes get thinner and thinner as we wash them! They are losing little fibers with every wash!
Speaking of socks, have you ever noticed all the shoes laying on the sides of the road? Did you ever wonder why they were there? How does that happen?
2. Someone wore comfortable shoes to church, wedding, funeral, party and changed into the "good uncomfortable ones" when they went inside and forgot they left the other pair on top of the car?
4. Someone had their foot hanging out the window and their shoe fell off?
5. Snooze ... You lose?
6. Someone was cleaning out their car and accidentally threw their shoes out worth the rest of the trash? (litterbugs make me CRAZY!!!)
7. Someone took being barefoot and pregnant seriously?
I don't know ... but someone could make a living collecting all the shoes and hubcaps and reselling them to people looking for matches ... like Replacements (the china and silver company that can match the sets you already have). They could call it HUBS & SHOES ... for the ones you lose ...
I dusted again today ... for the THIRD time this week! We don't leave the doors or windows open with all the pollen, but somehow it gets in! We rinse our cars off every morning and every night and still they get covered.
Joey and I don't have allergies (thank goodness) but the amount of pollen is bothersome anyway. It gets in our eyes and feels like grit or sand. We are clearing our throats more, sneezing occasionally, and coughing when we get too big of a whiff ... Now, I know all THOSE are symptoms of allergies, but we are the lucky ones ... People with REAL allergies are wearing masks if they are outdoors for any time at all, have red, swollen eyes, drippy noses, cold and flu symptoms and have a hard time breathing at all ... My heart goes out to them. It makes me want to carry home-made chicken soup to every one I know that suffers so.
You see, Tammy Faye can NOT cook ... anything ... not toast ... not boil water ... not even spread butter on a cracker! She is there to learn, I think, but in an effort to make conversation, she says the funniest things like ...
(when introducing a friend)
Did she just say what I think she said?
... and the other guy talked for 5 minutes about using any knife except for one that was fresh out of the dishwasher because it would be so hot ...
She interrupted, "Will it burn the butter?"
Oh! That's a really good tip! Always use a cool knife when you are spreading butter!"
(on making chili)
Tammy said, "Well, what do we do? Can we still use the meat?"
Today, she interviewed a local Sushi Chef. He's somewhat of a celebrity in our area and he graciously showed them how to prepare sushi. When it came time to taste his food, Tammy put his food up to take a bite and said, "I'm sorry. I just can't eat this. I just can't. I'll eat the rice, but I can't eat this." She could have quietly stood back while the others tasted it but she went ON AND ON, and the Sushi Chef started twitching every time Tammy said, "I couldn't eat this." We laughed so hard, we almost fell out of our chairs.
They went to a commercial break and the CHEF was NOT there when they came back on ...
Tammy Faye is from Minnesota originally (same state as I grew up in) and she still has the very rural Scandinavian flavored accent from back home. She must be the only woman raised in Minnesota that CAN'T cook (shaking my head), but she doesn't let that stop her from hosting YOU CAN MAKE IT. Every Saturday, on WGGS, she lives what every one in Minnesota already knows "You can always tell a Scandinavian, but you can't tell them MUCH"! But we are a happy people ... lol ... and she rambles into the funniest things. She talks about how much she loves to shop and how much she like shoes while she's making basic recipes like cornbread and barbecue. It's great.
Well, there you have it ... seven things from my REAL life! Don't you wish you could stop by for a cup of coffee and a piece of pie? I'd love to have you over! Look at the things we would talk about!