Life is good on the Creek ...
I haven't written in a few days. There has been too much going on for me to sit at this desk for very long!
I have so much extra energy when the seasons change!
I have once again ... purged my closets and cupboards ... with the goal being to only keep the things I love and eliminate the rest. It has become a game ... lol ... The more I give away and sell, the more comes back to me ...
I want to have room in my closets and cupboards and drawers to BREATH!
My plan was that if I haven't worn it in two years, no matter how much I love it or think I might need it one day, someone else might need it RIGHT NOW so I had three piles ...
1. Keep.
2. Take to resale shop.
3. Donate.
4. Toss it OUT.
I took a car load of stuff to resale, two carloads to donate and another carload to the recycle place and still my closets are full ... I might have to go through again!
I grew up in the North so I have LOTS of jackets and sweaters. I have jackets in almost every color but with global warming, how many do I really NEED? Meanwhile, there are people who don't have even one coat ... so close to the holidays, I'm going to give some of my coats to some of the older ladies I know who are always cold ... because one day, I'll be old too, and if I give now, I'll have to trust that there'll be someone for me then.
I have three drawers and two jewelry boxes FULL of a lifetime of jewelry. I only wear about a dozen things ... so do I really need all those other things? I've decided NO. I also make jewelry! Once I make sure the new designs are sturdy enough to last, I am going to sell some and donate some. It's nice to bring a smile to someone and give them something that makes them feel pretty.
I went through my books and kept the ones I really LOVE, whether they were self-help or novels and put them back on the shelves. I took the rest to a local library, where they will either enter them into stock or resell to raise money for the library.
I went through my kitchen, china cabinets, curio cabinet, storage closets and did the same thing ... again ... FOUR piles ...
2. Sell it on EBay only if it is in Good-Excellent condition. I have a lot of things that someone else might like ... or it appears they like it, from the number of watchers and bidders.
3. Donate. Habitat For Humanity has a household store here that can always use house ware things. There are also group homes here where they can use towels, blankets, plastic dishes, non breakable decorative items and pictures, as long as the glass is removed.
4. Toss It Out.
I went through my files and filled a box of papers and "stuff" that I just don't need anymore. I took the old stuff to work and shredded it.
I had two shelves of old magazines. I went through magazines, saving articles I really liked, but nothing that I couldn't get on the Internet. I now have a notebook of decorating ideas, gardening ideas, recipes and self improvement ideas, all in one place. Four neat notebooks instead of two shelves of magazines I never looked at.
I love cards and stationary, but I had so much tucked here and there that I never used it. Now, I have all the cards in one file box, separated by birthdays, anniversaries, thank you, sympathy, get well, congratulations, etc. I am not buying one new card until I use all of these! AND I am actually using them! I used up all my Christmas cards last year. This year, I will buy what I need and not "stock up on cards"! Why buy now for next year, when next year, there might be something better?
As you see, the list of organizational possibilities are endless and I seem to be motivated to move this mountain, so here I go!

But while I am rummaging through my own stuff, I have taken time to notice that ...
... the sky was the prettiest shade of porcelain blue tonight ...
... that magnolia leaves look silver in the setting sun ...
... that deer can blend into the woods so well, I can walk within six feet of them before they bolt ... and their sudden movement tested my heart. The deer and my heart are good!
... that as much as I really don't like the varmints, the new mama and baby raccoons like us and there is something magical about holding a piece of fruit above their heads and them reaching up to take it from us. I am not brave or foolish enough to go outside by them, but I will hold it out the window and was close enough to hear them click and cluck at each other.
... with a little bit of water, this year's flowers have stood up to the heat better than all the rest. I finally planted at the right time, picked the right plants and flowers to withstand the heat and drought, and got the tomato plants to produce more than any other year. I'm no where near being a Master Gardener, but I am mastering my little corner of the world and that is enough for me.
All four of my grandchildren will be in this area!!!
My second daughter and her family are moving back to South Carolina so I might not be a regular here for a while, helping her to settle in ...

Writing has become a habit so I won't be too far away. I was telling my story and I want to get back to talking about some of that. I still have the best part to tell!
... but until then ...
Love and Light from Healing Creek,

This proves that I can photograph hummingbirds.
Now, I have to get good at it!