I have read what you have said. I get updates from both the McCain and Obama websites. I have watched the news. I'm not a liberal. I'm not a conservative. I'm a moderate. I believe the answer is usually somewhere in the middle. This election hasn't really been about finding answers. It's been about marketing.
I know a little bit about marketing. I worked in advertising for ten years. Still, I can't think of one thing I have ever done because the media told me to.
I'm wondering ...
Why are the media and the public so amazed that the Republican Party would spend 150,000-dollars on clothes for Sarah Palin and yet, no one has asked ... Where is Obama getting MILLIONS of dollars to spend on advertising? Exactly WHO is financing this campaign?
I'm wondering ...
Obama hasn't been a Senator any longer than Palin has been a Governor and yet, the media says that we think Obama is ready to be President and Palin isn't ready to be Vice-President. What's the difference?I'm wondering ...Obama's former connections wouldn't clear an FBI background check and yet, the media says he is the man to be our President. None of us could even be a Federal employee with those connections. Doesn't that matter to anybody?
I'm wondering ...
I listen to NPR (National Public Radio) last week while I ran errands. They were interviewing foreigners and asking them who they wanted the next American President to be. A man from Arabia said Obama. A man from Jakarta said that he trusted Obama because even though he was a Christian, he knew Obama would be loyal to his Muslim roots. What? A man from Afghanistan said he wanted Obama too. That isn't exactly a ringing endorsement! Why would I or any other American vote with them?
I'm wondering ...
Obama is wearing an American flag pin now, but I saw the interview where he said he hasn't worn an American flag since 9-11 ... Why would someone STOP wearing a flag after 9-11? That's when most of us started flying our flags.
I'm wondering ...
The American public seems to believe that bringing the troops home will end the war. War isn't always up to us! What if they come after us? Do I want an inexperienced politician to be in control or do I want a guy who already knows what war is about? McCain and Palin have a very personal interest in what happens. They have sons in the military. They are invested. Obama doesn't know any more about foreign policy than Palin does! He thinks he can "just talk" to them. Wow! I bet nobody's ever thought of that!
I'm wondering ...
Liberals talk about the Republican Slime Machine but they are also the ones that have coined the marketing term "McSame", claiming that McCain is the same as George Bush. McCain is not George Bush any more than Obama is Rev Wright! I have personally observed George Bush and John McCain when they both came to our town. They are not the same kind of man.
McCain served our country in the military and later as a politician. He has made some hard choices that were good for our country but not necessarily good for him. He has the kind of character I want in my President.
I know this post won't be my most popular post. I know that some of you agree with me but you are afraid to say so. I don't expect to change anyone's mind. I am not trying to win anyone over. I have spent over three years talking about speaking authentically and I am simply practicing what I preach.
I can't vote for a guy who promises the moon, when he hasn't ever delivered the moon before. Why should I think he can do it now? Obama offers "change" and "hope", but he is only 1/3 of the equation. He can have all the ideas in the world, but if congress doesn't vote for them, they aren't happening.
That's another thing ... Democrats already have a majority in congress. What about checks and balances? Do I really want liberals to be writing checks on my bank account? In 50 years, the Democrats have taxed me more than the Republicans have! I am not interested in "spreading the wealth". I am interested in doing an honest days work for an honest wage, without having to pay too much in taxes.
Bottom line ... I have to vote for the guy who has already proven that he has the experience, the connections and the character to do the right thing. I trust McCain. I believe he really does have my back. I know that he will do the right thing because he has so many times before. I simply can not vote against a man who was tortured for our country. McCain has proven how much he loves our country and out of respect and admiration for his service, I have to stand with him. He is my kind of guy.
I like Sarah Palin. For years and years, I have heard Americans say that they wish they could have someone who was just like them in the White House. Sarah Palin is my chance to have that happen. She's not as polished as some. That's okay by me. I don't trust the slick politicians anyway. I like that Palin isn't afraid to challenge the status quo. I like that Palin is making the beltline politicians and talking heads nervous. That's my kind of gal!
This campaign has divided too many friends and family. It will not divide me from mine. I will continue to love my friends and family, no matter who they vote for, because that is what friends and family do. You all must vote with your conscience. Whatever reasons make up your mind for you are just as valid as mine are.
My name is Taylor and I approved this message.