Saturday, March 4, 2006

The Mastery Of Love ...

I would like to talk again about Toltec Wisdom ... which says we all live by spoken and unspoken beliefs (agreements) that we have gathered since birth.  We can transform our lives by replacing any negative agreements with these:


Your words have power ... the power to bless or curse so why not use them to bless yourself and others?  It's easy to give in to random negative thoughts, to judge, to criticize, to doubt, to worry, to fret, but what if all those negative words had gone unsaid?  What would happen if we were committed to making our speech more authentic and infused our words with more wisdom and integrity?  What if we always meant what we said and said what we meant? 


What people say to you says more about them than it does about you ... good or bad.  People can only see the world the way the world has treated them.  If the world has been kind to them, they are kind to you and expect you to be kind.  If the world has been cruel to them, they will be cruel to you and expect you to be cruel.  Maybe it isn't even about being kind or cruel ... Maybe, we just crossed their path at the end of a really bad day?


Things are the way they are.  Good or bad, this is where we are ... to learn from THIS moment.  We are cheating ourselves when we assume we know why people, places and things are the way they are.  Assuming only creates emotional poison and unnecessary drama.  We will all know what we need to know when it is the right time to know it.  Think of the trouble in our lives we could have avoided by just stopping ourselves from making assumptions!  


We can practice the FOUR AGREEMENTS every day.  Some days will be good.  Some days will be not so good.  Our circumstances may change.  Our energy level and insights might fluctuate but we can still ALWAYS DO OUR BEST.

These FOUR AGREEMENTS are not meant to be a religion, but an enhancement of our faith and beliefs ... a tool to be used to bring out the best in each of us, to uncover our authentic self, to live our best life ... Don Ruiz wrote another book called the Mastery of Love - A Practical Guide To The Art Of Relationships.

It's not easy to LOVE!  We have tried to love others and failed.  Most of us have been disappointed in the action of loved ones.  Maybe, through no fault of our own or anyone else's, we have lost someone dear to us and we have no idea what to do with the part of our lives that is left.  

This book makes a powerful case for the belief that REAL LOVE comes from first loving ourselves.

A Practical Guide To The Art Of Relationships
by Don Miguel Ruiz  

You have the power to create.  Your power is so strong that whatever you believe comes true.  You create yourself, whatever you believe you are you are.  You are the way you are because that is what you believe about yourself.  Your whole reality, everything you believe, is your creation.  You have the same power as any other human in the world.  You may be similar to others in many ways, but no one in the whole world lives their life the way you do.  

If you observe children who are two or three years old, if you see how they behave, they are playing all the time.  You see them laughing all the time.  Their imagination is so powerful, and theway they dream is an adventure of exploration ... they are living in the moment.  They are not ashamed of the past; they are not worried about the future.  Little children express what they feel and they are not afraid to love.  

The happiest moments in our lives are when we are playing just like children, when we are singing and dancing, when we are exploring just for fun ... As children, we are innocent and it is natural for us to express love.  But what has happened to us?  What has happened to the whole world?  

The fear of not being good enough for someone else is what makes us try to change or create an image.  Then we try to project that image according to what they want us to be, just to be accepted.  We learn to pretend to be what we are not.  So many humans are suffering because of all the false images we try to project.  Humans pretend to be something very important, but at the same time, we believe we are nothing.  We try so hard to be important, to be a winner, to be powerful, to be rich, to be famous, to express our personal dream, and to impose that dream on to other people around us.  Why?  Because humans believe the dream is real, and we take it very seriously.  

Little by little, we lose our innocence; we start to feel resentment, then we no longer forgive.  Over time, these incidents and interactions let us know it's not safe to be who we really are.  Once we are full of this emotional poison, we have the need to release it, and we practice releasing the poison by sending it to someone else.  How do we do this?  Everyone around the world is hunting the attention of others all the time.  When we capture their attention, we create channels of communication.  The dream is transferred, but emotional poison is transferred also.  What is important is to have the awareness that we have this problem.  If we have the awareness, we have the opportunity to heal our emotional body, our emotional mind, and stop the suffering.  Without the awareness, there is nothing we can do.  

In our mind, we create the part of us that is always judging.  The "judge" is judging everything we do, everything we don't do, everything we feel, everything we don't feel.  We are judging ourselves all the time, and we are judging everyone else all the time, based on what we believe and based on the sense of justice and injustice.  

Sometimes, the little child inside you comes out - the real you that stays at the age of two or three years old.  You are living in the moment and having fun, but there is something pulling you back; something inside feels unworthy of having too much fun.  An inner voice tells you that your happiness is too good to be true;  it isn't right to be too happy.  

All the guilt, all the blame, all the emotional poison in your emotional body keeps pulling you back into the world of drama.  We learn to be right and to make everyone else wrong.  The need to be "right" is the result of trying to protect the image we want to project to the outside.  We are full of poison because we grew up with am image of perfection that is not true, which does not exist, and in our mind isn't fair ... the truth WE ARE NEVER GOING TO BE PERFECT ... But guess what?  This is the biggest lie we believe about ourselves ... because we are never going to be perfect.  

The image of perfection changes the way we dream.  We learn to deny ourselves and reject ourselves.  We are never going to be good enough, or right enough, or clean enough, or healthy enough, according to all the beliefs we have.  That is why we reject our own humanity.  When we reject ourselves, and judge ourselves, it looks like there is no love.  It looks like there is only punishment, only suffering, only judgment in this world.

Life brings you exactly what you need.  There is nothing or no one to blame.  We can even say that suffering is a gift.  If you just open your eyes and see what is around you, it's EXACTLY what you need to clean your poison, to HEAL your wounds, to accept yourself, and get out of your own personal hell.

Every dreamer is going to dream his own way.  That is why we need to accept the difference that exist between two dreamers; we need to respect each other's dream ... According to the way two people dream, they create thedirection of that dream we call a relationship, every relationship we have is unique because we dream a small dream together.

Dream a little dream with me ...

Just as your body is made by cells, your dreams are made by emotions.  There are two main sources of those emotions; One is fear, and all the emotions that come from fear, and the other is love, and all the emotions that come from love.  In order to understand those emotions ... let's look at some of the characteristics of love and fear ...  

(Let's talk more about LOVE and FEAR tomorrow ...)

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