Sunday, November 26, 2006

Another WONDERFUL Weekend!

Thanksgiving Odds & Ends ...
  1. We went to my son's for Thanksgiving.  I listened to people talk to one another without feeling emotionally invested in the conversation and I realized that 99.9% of what people say has everything to do with THEM and their view of the world!  We can only see what we are!  That's right.  If you see sweetness and light, hug yourself and look in the mirror!  That's how you see yourself!  If you see dishonesty and lies in everyone else, stand up to that same mirror and realize that the ONLY REASON you don't trust anyone else is because you do not deserve to be trusted and YOU KNOW IT, even though you try to pretend that it's really everyone else that farted!

  2. My daughter-in-law is a FABULOUS cook!  She's not afraid to try new things or try new recipes.  It encourages me to get out the rut once in a while and try something new.  She made a terrific salad.  I just have to share the recipe:


    3 ripe Pears, washed and cut into bite size pieces
    2 Apples, washed and cut into bite size pieces
    Romaine Lettuce, cleaned and torn into salad size pieces

    Toss all three with lemon juice and add:
    1/2 Cup Walnuts (Pecans or almonds would work too)
    1/2 Cup Dried Cranberries

    Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste (we used just a little).

    In a separate bowl, mix together with whisk:
    6 T. Olive Oil
    4 T. White Wine Vinegar
    2 Shallots (Green Onion), finely chopped
    2 T. Honey
    1 t. Cinnamon

    Drizzle over salad and toss just before serving.  It is AWESOME!

  3. During dinner, my daughter-in-law's parents spoke why they choose NOT to eat pork, other than religious reasons.  I have had a tenuous relationship with pork ... ate it as a child ... watched my Dad and Uncles raise three hogs and swore off pork for decades ... eventually recovered from the trauma of what I learned about swine and eat pork occasionally now.   I make a really good dressing (stuffing) that calls for sausage.  Several times, out of respect for those who do not eat pork, I have substituted Louis Rich Turkey Sausage (found it in the freezer section by breakfast waffles if you are interested).  I can't repeat everything her Dad shared but I'm definitely OFF PORK again.  Maybe, I'll share that at another time, but for now, let me share my dressing recipe:


    1/2 Cup Chopped Onion
    1 T. Butter
    1/2 Pound Pork (can substitute turkey sausage) Sausage
    2 medium Granny Smith Apples, peeled, cored and chopped
              to make 2 cups
    1/2 Cup chopped Pecans
    1 t. Sage
    1 t. Thyme
    1 t. Marjoram (optional)
    2 large eggs, beaten
    4 Cups Bread Cubes

    Preheat Oven to 325-degrees.
    In a small skillet, saute the onions in butter until soft but not browned.
    Add sausage and brown sausage, chopping finely as it cooks.
    Drain the sausage and onions.  Extra tip ... If you run hot water over the sausage, you can continue to break the sausage into smaller pieces under the hot water.
    In a large bowl, combine every thing until blended. 
    Place in greased cake pan and sprinkle top with more chopped pecans.  Cover with foil and set on baking sheet.  Bake for 30 minutes until stuffing is lightly browned on the top.  I usually uncover for the last ten minutes to roast the pecans a little extra.
    Serves 8 but recipe can easily be doubled or tripled.

  4. The next day, I had my son's family and my oldest daughter's family and a few extras here at our house.  In past years when they have been with their father and later with their in-laws on Thanksgiving, I have skipped Thanksgiving.  Two years ago, I tried to make supper after they had eaten a big dinner, last year they were all here and this year we decided to do Thanksgiving the day AFTER ... next year they will all be here again ... the following year, we might do Thanksgiving on Saturday or maybe, even the NEXT weekend!  LOLOL ... Either way, scheduling holidays will become more and more of a challenge as people are added to the family ... Holidays are just a few days, but families should have family time whenever they can.  They are so worth it!

  5. I cooked most of my dishes the day before so I had plenty of time to play with the kids!  Papa Joey played guitar and the kids danced on the back deck ... for hours!  They improvised and reminded me of what it's like to a kid again ... where we

    Love like we have never been hurt,
    Dance like nobody is watching and
    Sing like nobody is listening ...

    Except for one thing ... The more they danced, the more I cheered and the more they sang, the more I sang with them.  Praise carries children to outstanding places!

  6. I decorated for Christmas the past few days.  I love the lights but this year the lights tested me ... Check, check and recheck the strings of lights BEFORE putting them on the tree!  After several tries and a few trips to the store, I have successfully decked the hall with white lights and crystal lights.  I think I actually heard the HALLELUJAH CHORUS when my job was done!

  7. I had a little time to work in the yard this afternoon.  Joey and I put in a small block border around another flower garden ... (two more to go) ... I thought it would be quick work to help place the blocks ... so I went out there barefooted and without gloves ... (It was in the high 70s here in South Carolina ... no worries to those of you who might be in snow) ... but I lost my footing and dropped a block on a block with my hand in between.  I have a skinned knuckle and a new reminder to ALWAYS WEAR GLOVES and TENNIS SHOES even if I am only going to be out there for 5 minutes!  OUCH! 

    I went inside, rinsed my hand in water as hot as I could stand, used a small sewing scissors to cut away the flap of skin, poured peroxide over the whole mess, rinsed it in cold water, soaked it with peroxide again, lightly toweled it dry, put neosporin on the knuckle and covered it with a knuckle band-aide ... I've had to "doctor" my knuckles before.  You'd think I'd have the glove thing burned into my brain by now!
This has been a weekend chalk full of goodness and mercy and lessons and play time and chores and even a few monumental tasks ...

I'm looking forward to Monday!  How about you?

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