Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Passing Thoughts Or Waves Tossed In The Ocean

Just as the ocean has waves,
so the mind’s own radiance is its thoughts and emotions.

The ocean has waves,
yet the ocean is not particularly disturbed by them.
The waves are the very nature of the ocean.
Waves will rise, but where do they go?
Back into the ocean.

where do the waves come from?
The ocean.

In the same manner,
thoughts and emotions are the radiance and expression of
the very nature of the mind.
They rise from the mind, but where do they dissolve?
Back into the mind.

Whatever rises, do not see it as a particular problem.
If you do not impulsively react,
if you are only patient,
it will once again settle into its essential nature.

So have a spacious, open, and compassionate attitude
toward your thoughts and emotions,
because in fact your thoughts are your family,
the family of your mind.

- Sogyal Rinpoche

I was thinking about the words to this song ...

Who Am I?
I am a flower quickly fading
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind

... and a friend sent me this thought.

So many times, I thought I KNEW the answers,
but looking back, it's the things I KNEW FOR SURE that sometimes,
got me into the most trouble ...
those things I wrapped my ego around
before I presented them to the world ...
Lately, I've been asking myself
how much of those things REALLY matter?

I am coming to terms with the idea that
NOT EVERY LITTLE THING that pops into my pretty little head
is always TRUTH!
I am more willing to examine my thoughts before I share them ...
because not every "wave is worth surfing".
Many times, I have just let a wave pass me by, in hope of a better one!

Hmmm ... this beach analogy has me thinking seafood for lunch!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the ocean in all it's fierceness and gentleness as well. I liked your analogy of the waves in the ocean and the thoughts that run thru our mind. Love, Barb