Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rising Above The Everyday

The past few weeks have been awesome !

Part of the 4th of July was spent with my kids who attended a family reunion of my ex-inlaws.  Joey and I sat among 40-50 people and realized that twenty years of shared history creates a bond, whether we wanted it to or not.  (smiling)  My daughter said that they crowded around me like I was a rock star.

Joey and I walked down to the lake where old friends were.  That's all. 

I have lost too many friends in the past few years to not appreciate the ones that remain a little more than I might have before so many passed away.  Who really knows if I will see any of them again, or if they will see me? 

I will make the most of NOW, because NOW is what we have.  If my daughter saw me being greeted like a rock star, she missed the part where I greeted them like they were rock stars too! 
You know, we almost always get back what we give.

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The light has been amazing for the past few weeks and I have been taking a lot more pictures (posts to follow).
When I had a few free minutes, I put pictures in two more photo albums ... and the layouts did themselves.
I still look at them and wonder where the inspiration came from! 
I have started writing that book on healing and it seems to be writing itself ... which of course it would.
I have experienced healing in the most wonderful ways,
but true healing all comes from the same place,
arriving custom fit for each of our individual hearts and needs.
I can only write as a tourist in the land of Healing,
reporting the wonders and highlights
of a most magical journey.

I also have started making jewelry again.  I can't quit designing necklaces, bracelets and earrings in my mind ...
I am currently in love with the free style, sundance type designs.

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It is hard to describe the way my life feels these days ... to put it into words ... I suppose a good example would be waking up one day and realizing I can fly!  Of course, it's not normal or even natural ... and way too new to trust this new found gift.  It's scary to know I have somehow tapped into the better part of myself and being afraid that I will do something to screw it up ... to shut off the flow!  It's like Peter Pan blew fairy dust into my every day, only this time, it's real, and this is my chance to make a difference.

... Even "making a difference" has changed meanings many times in the past few years.  I started writing here with the intention of sharing what I was learning and some of you may have found it helpful, but I see now that I wasn't brought here to make a difference to anyone else ... I was brought here to find how to make a difference in me!  Writing helped me.  Your feedback and comments helped me.  Your stories helped me.  My friends and family would occasionally offer feedback that matched feedback here and somehow, the classroom continued, weaving in and out of the books I was reading and the conversations I was having.  Everything worked together, leading me to a place I never thought I would be ... to the REAL ME!
There is one more thing I had not considered ...

Even if I drew a detailed map and told you ever single thing I have learned, you would not be affected ... until you, yourself, make your own journey and draw your own map.  We all have to earn this place individually.  Imagine that we are all pilgrims.  We all set out on separate paths that lead to our own mountain which we will climb in our own way, and when we each get to the top of that mountain, we will be given one sentence that will bring meaning to the climb ... but it's not the sentence - a single chain of words - that really makes the difference at all, but the price we are willing to pay along the way. 

I could read you my little sentence and say, "Isn't that awesome?" but until you have walked your own path and collected your own sentence, my sentence won't have much meaning to you at all! 

As much as I would like to, I can't do the work for anyone else without taking away from their wonder at the top of the hill.  The MOST I can do is plant seeds and hope they will bear fruit along the way.

There is still more mountain climbing for me to do!  As much as I am enjoying this plateau ... this resting place ... I also know that there is more ahead for me to meet and greet, but from now on, I really do KNOW that everything will be okay, because THIS is what FAITH is ...  Everything that happens to us or around us is an opportunity to learn something new or to grow into the next thing coming down the road ...

Today, I feel the need to rise above the everyday and hold the things that really matter ...


                          ~ David Wilcox

I see you dreaming by the ocean window
I hear you breathing like the waves upon the shore
The tide is turning on your time of sorrow
You will never be so lonesome any more

The breezes whisper as the curtain dances
Your dreams are deeper than the mystery of the sea
The sun itself is in the room beside you
With a message of how good your life can be

I know that a heart can just get buried
Stone by stone, crushing hope until it dies
Far away, but the message somehow carries
Beloved, it is time for you to rise. Time for you to RISE UP...

With a sudden sense of wonder
As the joy comes to your eyes
From the burden you've been under

Though the promise goes unspoken
When the joy comes to your eyes
For your soul was never broken

Beloved, it is time for you to rise, time for you to rise.

There's nothing wrong with taking time for sleeping
Your eyes are weary with the things that you have seen
A deeper promise your soul is keeping
Right in time for this appointment in your dream

Angels whisper so as not to wake you
There's nothing else in this whole world for you to do
But follow on to where your dream may take you
To see your footsteps from an eagle's point of view

With a sudden sense of wonder
As the joy comes to your eyes
From the burden you've been under

Though the promise goes unspoken
When the joy comes to your eyes
For your soul was never broken


About David Wilcox:

A warm, baritone vocal tone and poetic lyricism are combined with a unique guitar style that blends soft jazz and folk sensibilities and an intimate stage persona by singer/songwriter
David Wilcox. Often compared to James Taylor and John Martyn, Wilcox has built a solid fan base for his well-crafted folk-pop tunes.

Cleveland-born Wilcox was inspired to play guitar after watching a fellow student play in a stairwell at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, OH. Transferring to Warren Wilson College in Asheville, NC, in 1981, Wilcox began taking music seriously. Although he took four lessons with a classical guitarist, Wilcox developed most of his playing technique on his own. In addition to being inspired by Joni Mitchell to play in a variety of tunings, he designed a capo that produced an unusual sound by leaving one or more strings unaltered.

Wilcox strengthened his skills as a performer through regular appearances at an Asheville night club called McDibbs. His debut album, The Nightshift Watchman, was released in 1987 on his own label, Song of the Woods, and reissued in 1996 by Koch International; it featured scaled-down arrangements and launched Wilcox's career as a touring musician. After performing at the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville, Wilcox signed with A&M in 1989. His first release on the label, How Did You Find Me Here, sold over 100,000 copies by word of mouth. Wilcox subsequently recorded two other studio albums for the label -- Home Again in 1991 and Big Horizon in 1994. In 1991, the label released a six-song CD, Mostly Live: An Authorized Bootleg.

His contract with A&M ended after four albums in 1994, but Wilcox has continued to share his love of music and his explorations of personal growth. His 1997 album
Turning Point recorded in the log cabin studio in the woods behind his home, represented a shift to a more controlled approach to music, while his February 1999 release, Underneath, continued to focus on his vocals and guitar playing despite the additional instrumentation of electric guitars, keyboards, and rhythm section. Although his albums have featured diverse arrangements, Wilcox continues to perform in concert as a soloist. In August 2000, What You Whispered was released. A best-of collection followed the next year, released during his successful national tour. Due to his popularity, the demand for a live album became too great and he offered Live Songs and Stories in the summer of 2002. Into the Mystery appeared in 2003, followed by a joint effort with Nance Pettit, Out Beyond Ideas, in 2005 and Vista in 2006. ~ Craig Harris, All Music Guide

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One thing that emanates through this entry is a feeling of peace and wonderment. Wow! That must be quite a feeling. I'm hoping to retain some of that feeling for myself. I want to climb that mountain. I have my sure footing in my faith. Thank God for that. Can't wait for the pictures! I love looking at your work. Love, Barb <3