Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Healing Creek and Foggy Woods

There is something quiet and soothing
about being wrapped in a morning fog
Where you can't look too far ahead
or too far in the past ...
Where each step is a new discovery,
A chance to live in the NOW.

There is something magical
about waking up to the sound of birds in Spring
and walking along a slow moving river,
and hearing the water pass
over, under and around the river rocks,
gurgling greetings to the day ...
Peacefully resting in the NOW.

Sending quiet comfort,
magical beginnings, birdsongs and
peaceful greetings to your day!


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures and the sweet greetings that go along with them. Are you the photographer? If so, you are certainly talented and creative in capturing the beauty and essence of nature. Have a good and blessed day!

Anonymous said...

I took the pictures and wrote the "poem".

Thanks for the compliment!
