Friday, June 8, 2007

Nothing Compares To You!


This is the ONLY chance you have to make a difference in this life!
Get up off your routines and dust your gumption off and be WHO only YOU can be!  YOU are here for a REASON!!!  There is something that ONLY YOU can do!  Have you started yet?

Quit worrying what you friends will think because, as much as they love you, they have their own fish to fry and their own little red wagons to pull up the hill.  Most of the time, you are worrying about what someone else thinks, they are really worrying about what you would think if you looked into their closet!  What a waste of energy!  Your friends LOVE you ... which means most of the time, you inspire them, you challenge them, and on a bad day, they wish they were more like YOU!

Quit making excuses about timing because it's never going to be a good time.  It's never going to be convenient to start working on the thing you were meant to do!  When was the LAST time you had four hours with nothing better to do, so you thought you'd start working on world peace?

Quit telling yourself you can't do it or someone else would do better than you because YOU CAN DO IT.  It is SUPPOSED to be YOU!  Next time your inner voice nudges you, LISTEN! 
It's your turn!  You're UP!

Shania Twain - Up!

It's 'bout as bad as it could be
Seems everybody's buggin' me
Like nothing wants to go my way--
Yeah, it just ain't been my day
Nothin's comin' easily

Even my skin is acting weird
I wish that I could grow a beard
Then I could cover up my spots
Not play connect the dots
I just wanna disappear

Up ~ up ~ up !!!
Can only go up from here
Up ~ up ~ up !!!
Where the clouds gonna clear
Up ~ up !!!
There's no way but up from here

Even something as simple as
Forgettin' to fill up on gas
There ain't no explanation why
Things like that can make you cry
Just gotta learn to have a laugh

[Repeat Chorus]

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah...

When everything is goin' wrong
Don't worry, it won't last for long
Yeah, it's all gonna come around
Don't go let it get you down
You gotta keep on holding on

It's 'bout as bad as it could be
Seems everybody's buggin' me
Like nothing wants to go my way--
Yeah, it just ain't been my day
Nothin's comin' easily

Hope you hit a home run!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice! Love, Barb