Thursday, April 10, 2008


We started out for Knoxville headed into fog and rain.

We were looking forward to seeing our friends.

And happily surprised with the spring colors along the way.

There wasn't a lot of traffic and the views were spectacular.

There are purple flowers that bloom all along the highway in Spring.

The countryside in Knoxville was so GREEN.
We went down in a cave with an underwater lake.
We visited a winery with a view.
We drove through the countryside,
looking at the neatest old barns
and green fields full of cattle or horses.

Too soon, it was time to go home!

We watched the sun set five or six times as it we drove in and out
of the mountain shadows.

More flowers ...

There is a mountain behind that cloud!

We took a short detour to try to get a good picture of the river.

We saw the strangest thing.
These are actually dozens of buzzards on a radio tower.
I hope this wasn't nature's comment on my driving!

There were places that almost looked painted.

We promised ourselves we would come back to go rafting
on this river.

Our last look at the sun before ...

We were home.

It was the nicest weekend.
Nothing like Good friends - Good fun - Good food!
We arrived home feeling refreshed
and ready for the week!

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