For He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all they ways.
You're so brave, so strong, so beautiful, and you can only fly so high ...
I'm so often in awe of you, did you know that?
And believe me when I say to you that I value you every bit as much
when you're stooping as well as when you soar ...
when you're stooping as well as when you soar ...
Right now, settled on the ground,
with your wings folded around you,
I think I love you even more ...
"Everything happens for a reason,"
good people have told you,
and you have done your best to believe them.
This philosophy offers such comfort and peace.
And in retrospect,
when looking back on my own life, for the most part,
it rings true.
So much that was painful or disappointing
later proved to serve me.
And I know with all of my heart that your own hurt can serve you.
But I can't offer up that "Everything happens for a reason" to you.
My throat closes around those words
the moment they occurto me,
and bitterness rises up to meet them.
How can there possibly be a reason for innocent children
to be tortured physically, sexually, emotionally, or spiritually?
There is no reason I can accept,
and I've long since given up my quest to acquire one.
I refuse to tell you that devastation that you suffered
as a small child happened for a reason.
What logical reason could there possibly be?
I've looked into too many pained filled eyes ...
eyes that reflect a tortured childhood,
eyes that ask why?
And you know what?
There never was a'why' that I found acceptable.
Not a single explanation that was ever good enough for me.
And so my weary angel, I come to you emptied of answers.
I can't take away your WHY
replace it with an explanation.
I wish I could.
I want so very much to take your pain away.
Because I cannot take away,
I come to you with a modest offering.
One so small, that I'm humbled as I hold it out to you.
It's a small stone
one word engraved upon its surface.
The word is
You were hurt very badly
yet in spite of the hurt, you've grown.
You were deeply wounded
Still you survived.
You were exposed to the worst in human behavior
yet you've always tried to give your best.
Your voice was silenced
still you've heard and responded to the pain of others.
You were touched by evil
You've chosen to embrace goodness.
You were betrayed
Still you seek to trust.
You've been vulnerable and exposed
Still you've sheltered lost souls with your wings.
Your agony cannot be denied,
but neither my precious friend, can all of the
that are contained within you.
They too have shaped you,
and even asyour painhas left you grounded,
will surely make up the magic that will lead you once again to fly.
Take them with you ...
A fellow Traveler
(Author Unknown)
If this poem speaks to your heart and the things you care about ...
If you have suffered pain or loss with no explanation ...
This site offers comfort.
There are many voices sharing their experiences
and the answers that healed them.
If you are looking for healing and support,
You may want to visit:
How these words touched my soul...........
Colleen has several poems like this one and resources on the site Need_an_Angel ... I went there as a domestic violence survivor but there were others there who were suffering pain from other things ... the loss of a child ... incest survivors ... breast cancer survivors ... I was too hurt and too new at the time to see that all of us have felt pain ... some kind of hurt ... but the way out of pain and toward TRUE HEALING is the same for all of us ... Peace to you, My friend, Taylor
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