(Words and Music by Dwayne Friend)
Born in a stable, His mother a virgin;
Raised in a carpenter shop,
His people were slaves; His parents were poor,
His friends were a lowly lot;
His chances in life are very slim,
He's expected to be a slave;
But people in darkness saw light in Him
And hope in the freedom He gave.
Who is the King of Glory!
The Lord God mighty in battle is He.
Who is the King of Glory?
The Master of the host of Heaven Supreme.
Who is the King of Glory?
The one that not even death could stop,
The Master of the host of Heaven Supreme.
Who is the King of Glory?
The one that not even death could stop,
Who is the King of Glory?
The Little Boy from the carpenter shop.
The Little Boy from the carpenter shop.
The Little Boy from the carpenter shop.
All of the power of heaven and earth
God has invested in Him.
He's to die on the cross, descend into hell,
Meet the devil, take the keys from him.
He yielded Himself to the death of the cross,
Cried, "It's finished!" and slumped to die;
In the regions of hell, the devil celebrated,
"We've destroyed the King," they cried.
All of the power of heaven and earth
God has invested in Him.
He's to die on the cross, descend into hell,
Meet the devil, take the keys from him.
He yielded Himself to the death of the cross,
Cried, "It's finished!" and slumped to die;
In the regions of hell, the devil celebrated,
"We've destroyed the King," they cried.
In the midst of the celebration,
Footsteps were heard walking the corridors of hell.
Then the shouting stopped when a voice rang out;
A voice that rang like a bell;
Satan then trembled as he recognized Him
Who came to deliver His own.
Footsteps were heard walking the corridors of hell.
Then the shouting stopped when a voice rang out;
A voice that rang like a bell;
Satan then trembled as he recognized Him
Who came to deliver His own.
"Shut and lock the gates," he cried,
"Don't let Him ascend to His throne."
Then the gates swung shut in the face of the King
To prove God's salvation untrue;
But He shook hell's gates and cried,
"Lift up your heads, the King is coming through!"
Then out of the devil's prison house
Then the gates swung shut in the face of the King
To prove God's salvation untrue;
But He shook hell's gates and cried,
"Lift up your heads, the King is coming through!"
Then out of the devil's prison house
Came a procession lead by the King,
Shouting "Now, oh grave, where is thy victory
And death, where is thy sting!"
Who is the King of Glory!
The Lord God mighty in battle is He.
Shouting "Now, oh grave, where is thy victory
And death, where is thy sting!"
Who is the King of Glory!
The Lord God mighty in battle is He.
Who is the King of Glory?
The Master of the host of Heaven Supreme.
Who is the King of Glory?
The one that not even death could stop,
The Master of the host of Heaven Supreme.
Who is the King of Glory?
The one that not even death could stop,
Who is the King of Glory?
The Little Boy from the carpenter shop.
The Little Boy from the carpenter shop.
The Little Boy from the carpenter shop.

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