Monday, April 3, 2006

Life Can Be A Dream ...

While I read and study, I live major doses of real life too ... Life is a full-bodied mix of ups and downs and no one ever knows what the next turn or bend in the road will bring ...

But we have today and we have right now ...
I live in the woods so I am treated to the best of nature often. 
Two mornings ago, the fog was thick as soup ... I could hear the creek and the waterfall and the birds ... I drank my tea and watched 5-6 deer eat corn from the deer feeder.  I sat quietly and soaked in the moment as the fog slowly lifted and rays of early morning sunshine broke through the woods.  The deer raised their heads toward the sun, stood still for a moment and then turned toward the creek.  I watched how they disappeared into the woods and shadows.  I knew they were there but there were moments when I lost them in the scenery, blending in perfectly except for their little white tails.
What a treat ...
On Saturday night, Joey and I got the idea that it might be fun to sleep on the back deck.  Joey blew up the air mattress and I got some quilts.  It had been a long time since I had fallen asleep under the stars.  We whispered and laughed and talked.  We snuggled and just before I closed my eyes to sleep, I looked at the stars one last time and in that moment, a star streaked across the sky ...
I smiled.  I thought I should make a wish.  I smiled again ... There isn't anything else that I want.  I have everything ... so I wish that this will continue.  I smiled and I fell asleep ...
Even that moment is a miracle in my life!  I can't count the times I have cried myself to sleep in the past ... So many times, sleep was an escape ... I remember, many times, hoping that I would have a good dream ... But today, most of my life is what those GOOD DREAMS were all about ...
This morning ... We rushed around getting ready for the day and the week.  It was thundering and the sky was DARK.  I walked outside and was surprised to hear low and rumbling thunder and HUNDREDS of birds chirping away.  The feeders and the trees were full!  I took a moment, listened to the thunder and the birds, felt the wind play in my hair and breathed in the smell of last night's rain ...
Back to work! 
I made coffee and Joey made the toast ... I sang to my dog who really doesn't like thunder or rain ... talked to Joey about the day ... reminding each other of things we needed to do today, loading the vehicles, working together to do everything we needed to do to get out the door ...

Life is good

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