Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Living Our BEST Life ... Fill 'Er Up!

If I were a water bucket, it would be fair to say that someone had tipped my pail a time or two!  Like the nursery rhyme ... where Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.  Jack fell down ... dropped the pail of water, I could have been that bucket ... tipped over and useless ... for a little while ... I lived the story of the tipped over pail ...

Of course, I was eventually placed upright ... a little dizzy at first ... afraid of rolling all the way down the hill and being lost and forgotten ... and later, realizing, I wasn't going to roll down the hill!  The worst had already happened!  For a while, I was content to watch everyone else scurry around ... still not able to fill myself up ... but one drop at a time ... 

Life filled me up!
I didn't even realize it was happening! 

To keep myself busy, I repainted a few rooms and rearranged the furniture and my house became a newer place to call home. 

I mowed the grass and planted flowers and fed the birds and my yard turned into a peaceful garden. 

I took pictures of friends and family and put the prettiest ones on my refrigerator.  There they still are among coupons and recipes and children's drawings and lots of ladybug magnets ... smiling faces from loved ones during fun times.

If each picture is worth a thousand words, there are volumes of happy thoughts and well wishes in plain sight for everyone to see, each one a celebration of life ... a drop in the bucket ... but a life changing drop, just the same!

The dew ... an occasional rain ... even a few tears ... and the bucket that was me ... filled up!

How and when it happened
I don't think I'll ever know ...
But that it happened even once
Can be a source of HOPE!

I am not any more deserving
Than any one of you.
Anyone can do it
When there's nothing left to do.

If you're feeling empty,
Like nothing can fill you up ...
Hold on tight and live your life.
LIFE will fill you up!

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