Friday, January 19, 2007

Living Abundantly - Choosing To Simplify


I don't have all of life figured out and don't want to sound like it, but 99.9% of the stress in our lives is brought on by our own choices.  Life brings us enough trials and challenges without us adding to it!  We are a society of consumers.  If one is good, a dozen is better, but is it really?

I think we can contribute to our own abundance by buying LESS ... a LOT LESS.  I have used shopping to comfort myself more than once ... but there are other ways ... BETTER ways to find comfort. 

I am not a name brand shopper and never have been impressed by labels but some people are.  It's not enough to have GOOD.  They have to have the BEST and the best is something with a specific label, but is it really the best?  It's certainly not the best buy, and a pair of Paris Hilton Jeans is not going to last one minute longer than a pair of plain old Wranglers or Lee jeans.  What about our kids?  What kind of values are we giving our kids if they judge value by a label and not the workmanship itself?  I have a friend who told me that no matter what she has bought her niece and nephew, her sister-in-law will not even let her young children wear it if it isn't from THE GAP.  Period.  (shaking my head)  The sister-in-law is bypassing good manners (we always had to wear our gifts at least once in front of our aunts, uncles or grandparents AND we had to say THANK YOU and sound like we meant it) and family bonding (aunts and uncles LOVE to GIVE to kids who appreciate it) so that SHE can have her kids wear HER FAVORITE label.  Sad.

You know, no matter how GOOD "our stuff" is, nothing we can pay money for has the ability to define who we are.  I am who I am.  YOU are WHO YOU ARE.  It's not where we live, where we work, what kind of vehicle we drive, what kind of clothes we wear, what kind of places we shop or what kind of food we eat.  It's not who our Daddy was or who our friends are. 

It's the person we are when we face our self in the mirror every morning ... It's the things we do when we don't think anyone can see us ... It's the cares that fill our hearts ... It's the kindness we give without expecting anything in return ... It's the love that has changed our own lives ... that defines who we are. 

When we know that, we are ready to declare to the universe that we are prepared to live a life of abundance ... Here's where I'm starting ...  



Get organized.

Go through your closets.  If you haven't worn it in over two years, donate it, sell it or throw it away!  Save ONLY the things that look FABULOUS on you and are COMFORTABLE.  We only really wear about a third of what's in our closet so if we get rid of the two thirds we don't wear, we'll actually be able to do a better job of mixing and matching our favorites.
The rest of our house is the same way.  If it isn't absolutely gorgeous or useful, donate it, sell it or throw it away! 
I had a cappuccino machine.  Loved the idea of it, but I only used it twice.  My neighbor made the BEST cappuccino every weekend and her machine broke.  I gave her mine.  I had more room.  She really used it.  Everybody won!
Second Suggestion:

Refuse to buy ANYTHING until using up what is already there!

I went through my cupboards and closets and realized that I have way too much of EVERYTHING!  How many shampoos do I need?  How many tubes of lipstick will I really use?  Those things never "go bad" but I don't want to end up like one of those old ladies with closets full of stuff I could never possibly live long enough to use!

Third Suggestion:

Check EBay first when considering a new purchase. 

You don't have to buy the first thing you see.  For two weeks, watch the category and see what they sell for.  Don't buy anything unless it's EXACTLY what you want!  Otherwise, print out a picture or two or three and place it where you hope to place the item and see if you even like it there!
There are some things that just don't work on the Internet.  I like to FEEL how a fabric feels.  I like to try clothes on.  Sizes don't always run the same.  If you are looking for something that positively has to match something else, you might have to actually SEE the product first.

Fourth Suggestion:

Price shop.  Price Shop.  Price Shop.

Search with a list of what you are looking for including features and a picture.  Sometimes, I don't even bring money or checkbook or credit cards on a reconnaissance mission.  I am an impulse shopper.  I have wasted a lot of money, buying the first thing I saw rather than taking the time to truly comparison shop.  The internet cancut down a lot on the footwork.  Almost every store has a supporting website.
I am looking for new bookcases.  I have checked several sites, measured my space and several potential shelves and thought I had it narrowed down.  I went to the store to check out their floor sample and found out that it wasn't wood at all but plastic (they call it composite material) and one of the drawers was already broken (you can't repair composite material with a simple hammer and nail either).
I haven't found anything I like better than what I already have so I'll wait.  I'll find the right thing.  It's not an "emergency" bookcase!
If you are looking for a service, ask friends for referrals and then ask two or three companies for quotes.  I have a friend building a house and some of her quotes for the very same service have been TWICE what others are!


Fifth Suggestion:
Make it fun!  Play "Deal or No Deal" with yourself!

I am NOT the most frugal woman in the world.  I like buying quality things but I like bargains too.  After years and years of buying two or three "bargains" before I finally find the PERFECT THING, it's finally sinking in that it's not a bargain if ...

1.   It's not going to do the job.
2.   It won't last because it is poorly made.
3.   It doesn't really go with what I am trying to match and close
      doesn't count when it's still going to be the ...
               wrong color
               wrong size
               wrong shape
               wrong material
               wrong style
4.   I don't REALLY LOVE it.
5.   It's not useful.

"Bargains" and "Sales" are a way for stores and businesses to liquidate their stock and that works out GREAT if they are selling something I truly NEED, but I am through cluttering my house up with other people's junk!

And with that,
I close my eyes and send good energy
warm motivation to all of you.
Surround yourself with beauty and the things you truly love.

If you don't love something
and it's outlived it's usefulness in your household,
let it go to someone who might
find renewed interest in your old stuff.

One man's trash is another man's treasure, right?
I just don't want my house to be more trash than treasure!
I was beginning to feel like
the island of misfit toys,
with closets full of things
I was going to fix or paint or sew ... someday.
Someday never came.

Cleaning day is HERE!
A more abundant life begins ... today.

By the way
(holding up a really cool thing)

You want this?

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