Thursday, May 24, 2007

May Is Mighty Fine !!!

Thought I'd show you where I stayed last week,
or at least,
my friend's driveway
because that was my favorite part!
Sometimes, you just know
when you start down a road that you have
made a turn for the better!

When I got home,
I snapped this picture of one of our three little deer.
They are yearlings and not so afraid yet.
They gather in the front yard
and eat the clover.

I planted more tomatoes yesterday.
I found several mint plants at the garden center too.
Wonder if the deer will eat the mint?
By the way, if you are trying to keep deer from your flowers,
scatter moth flakes around the flowers
you are trying to protect.

My Mom called yesterday to say
that my Uncle Carl is very sick.
They say he is not responding, whatever that means.
It doesn't sound good, does it?
I would appreciate your prayers for him and his boys.

We got a better call last night.
PolarB and Lovie will be here in just one more day!!!

My friend, Jean, turns 39 again today too!

The kids are officially out of school
and packing for a trip out West.

I'll be volunteering with some of "our kids" for the next few days,
and looking forward to a long weekend!

There is always so much going on in May!
Love it !!!

Hope you are busy and happy too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May is a wonderful month indeed! Love, Barb P.S.- my prayers are with your Uncle and family.