Thursday, June 14, 2007

Your Words Have Power



Feeling Our Words
Words Have Weight

Words carry energy and this gives language its power and its potential to heal or hurt. Most of us can remember a time that someone sent a word our way, and it stuck with us. It may have been the first time we received a truly accurate compliment, or the time a friend or sibling called us a name, but either way it stuck. This experience reminds us that what we say has weight and power and that being conscious means being aware of how we use words.

The more conscious we become, the more we deepen our relationship to the words we use so that we speak from a place of actually feeling what we are saying. We begin to recognize that words are not abstract, disconnected entities used only to convey meaning; they are powerful transmitters of feeling. For the next few days, you might want to practice noticing how the words you say and hear affect your body and your emotional state. Notice how the different communication styles of the people in your life make you feel. Also, watch closely to see how your own words come out and what affect they have on the people around you.

You may notice that when we speak quickly, without thinking, or rush to get our ideas across, our words don't carry the same power as when we speak slowly and confidently, allowing those receiving our words time and space to take them in. When we carefully listen to others before we speak, our words have more integrity, and when we take time to center ourselves before speaking, we truly begin to harness the power of speech. Then our words can be intelligent messengers of healing and light, transmitting deep and positive feelings to those who receive them.

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Your words have the power to curse or bless
yourself and the people around you.

You choose.

If what you want to change your world,
you have to change the way you communicate with it.

Your universe is quietly waiting
to see what you will do.

Will you change your world,
or has the world already changed you?

You choose.


Anonymous said...

Words are powerful for sure. May we all be guided to use the right ones at the right time. Sometimes, though, silence is what is needed- whatever is needed for any given situation. Love, Barb

Anonymous said...

I agree Barb.  Sometimes, silence is GOLDEN.