Recovery is a roller coaster ride.
I can remember being hurt and afraid and totally out of control which was probably the scariest part. I didn't feel like I was in control of that time and it was perfectly clear that I had never been in control of anything else either, even when I thought I had been. I felt like the brakes weren't working, I was picking up speed and going downhill fast! It was scary!
It wasn't a leap of faith in the beginning. It was like being pushed off a high cliff. BUT it wasn't a literal fall. It was a spiritual fall ... and our spirits live under different rules ... Our spirits are more resilient than we know. Our spirits can bounce. Our spirits can even fly!
No matter what an abuser does to our body ... No matter what games he play with our minds - even if he makes us feel as crazy as he is ... No matter how he breaks our hearts ... NOTHING he did can destroy our Spirit. Nothing.
Our spirit is attached to the divine. Our spirit is breathed into us when we are born and it stays with us through life. It belongs to us. It is the very thing that helped us survive. It is the quiet voice that talked us through whatever he dished out.
It is the idea that comes to us in the middle of a runaway life and a free fall heart ... the idea that there just has to be something better.
If you have been abused or are being abused, you know exactly what I am describing ... you have had moments when you were rushing down the same slope and it was all you could do to hold on, free falling in the dark ...
You know my fear because you have felt it too.
No matter what an abuser does to our body ... No matter what games he play with our minds - even if he makes us feel as crazy as he is ... No matter how he breaks our hearts ... NOTHING he did can destroy our Spirit. Nothing.
Our spirit is attached to the divine. Our spirit is breathed into us when we are born and it stays with us through life. It belongs to us. It is the very thing that helped us survive. It is the quiet voice that talked us through whatever he dished out.
It is the idea that comes to us in the middle of a runaway life and a free fall heart ... the idea that there just has to be something better.
If you have been abused or are being abused, you know exactly what I am describing ... you have had moments when you were rushing down the same slope and it was all you could do to hold on, free falling in the dark ...
You know my fear because you have felt it too.
Survive. Listen to your spirit. There is more to life then that roller coaster ride. You don't have to feel that kind of fear over and over again. There is a way out. You spirit already knows the way!
Emerging from the shadows
Like a butterfly
Leaving the dark cocoon
to discover a new world
Full of flight and brightly colored flowers
Answered prayers
Realized Dreams
Did the butterfly know
That all that time in the dark ...
They were growing wings?
Did you know
That all the time you were in the dark ...
Your spirit was growing wings too?
Life did not end for us
When we were hurt.
That's when our new lives began!
That's where we found
A deeper hope,
A stronger faith,
And a kinder way to lead a more
Compassionate life.
The pretty little butterfly
Has a message for us all ...
Don't be afraid of the dark
Don't be afraid of the dark
When the dark comes.
That's the place
Spirits grow wings.

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