Wednesday, December 20, 2006



How does it work that as far ahead as I was just a few weeks ago, I have fallen behind on so many things?  I have boxes to ship and cards to mail, more cookies to bake and ... Well, you know the drill ... Suddenly, I feel pressure that I can't get it all done.

I went to the store to buy a frozen turkey so it would have time to thaw.  I got in the car and slumped at the wheel, wondering how I would get everything done?  
In spite of my best intentions ... all the hustling and bustling are getting to me.  I love my family and friends so it's certainly not about them.  I love doing the stuff I have been doing so it's not about that.  What is it?  I wanted everything to be PERFECT and my plans are unraveling. 

PERFECT?  PERFECT !!!  I'm tired, but not so tired that I have to give in to that old worn out inner voice that said, "You must be perfect."

(deep breath)
I will not be perfect this year or any other year but I did my best.  I love my family and friends and am thankful for every single one.  I want them to feel loved and cherished because they most certainly are.  I will take better care of me by giving myself the gift of time!  There are only 24 hours in the day but I can get more done if I quit worrying about getting everything done and JUST GET 'ER DONE!

Peace ... Calm down ... Everything that needs to be done will be done.  No worries.  It won't be perfect, but it will still be GREAT!

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