Saturday, December 23, 2006



Well, if you haven't done it by now, it's not going to happen ...
but there is time for one last ditch effort ...
You could make a "coupon book" of things you promise to do anytime your loved one hands you a coupon!
A few ideas to get you started ...
Dinner at (receiver's favorite restaurant) ... I will rent the movie of your choice and make popcorn ... I will draw you a bubble bath and give you a massage afterwards ... Dinner and A Movie-You pick the time and place and movie ... Free Car Wash ... Coffee and Toast In Bed ...
See?  There are lots of things you can do!

I love surprises!
I and a friend had a candle party and the hostess offered me a holiday pack ...
$80.00 worth of candles for $15.00.
I love a bargain, but I figured it would be mostly stuff they couldn't sell.
The box arrived this week and I got the coolest thing!
It's a large snow globe with a place for a tea light on top.
It plays music and the rocking horse rocks while the candle lights the scene but the COOLEST thing of all is that with two batteries, it snows continuously!!!
I feel like I got a Christmas present!
I love snow globes and I have some pretty ones,
but this one is my new favorite! 

We took the grandkids to see the holiday lights and animals too!
We fed deer!
My son had the best luck but we think he got the bag with peanuts.
My youngest granddaughter counted the lights in exactly the same way my older granddaughter did not so long ago ...
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 18 - 22 - 28 - 32 - 100!
Isn't that cute?
The weather was just a tiny bit cold and the night was clear,
which made the evening perfect.

The next day ...
I heard the strangest noise outside.
I went to investigate and was amazed at what I saw!
There were too many blackbirds to even count, all chattering loudly.
I don't speak blackbird but they were either talking about the deer feeders which they took turns flocking around
the two red tail hawks circling overhead.
Usually the birds go quiet but I guess, just like us, they feel safety in numbers?
Both hawks landed in the midst of them and they all just looked at each other.
The morning was gray and dreary,
but for a moment, my black and white world was filled with birds and song.
I wish you could have seen it. 

I don't know if Santa is bringing me a camera or not,
but since I don't have one ... of course,
I have seen the prettiest scenes.
In fact, if I actually believed that there was a direct connection between NOT having a camera and being treated to the prettiest sights,
I might have broken the camera on purpose!
Counting it all joy! 

Tonight, against a midnight blue sky,
I watched a toenail moon get caught in the lacy branches of our oak tree.
I wish I could have captured the sight for all to see ...
but maybe, the moment was just for me?
There are moments just like that in your day too, but you have to be watching for them because they are fleeting!
I hope you catch every one!

The last thing I always list is a wish for YOU!
This Saturday, I wish for you ... gifts of love and acts of kindness ... sweet surprises ... children's laughter and winter's brightest lights ... nature's bounty and beautiful views ...
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


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