Sunday, August 26, 2007

Remembering Sidewinder

Loss ...
Four years ago, I used to get on the computer
and go into the only nice chat room on aol.
I didn't talk much.
I was too scared of attracting attention.
I wanted to be close to people but not too close
so I sat quietly in front of the computer screen
watched new friends meet and old friends chat.
Sometimes, someone would come in the room and be a jerk
for no reason that I could see other then he was a jerk.
There was a guy in there named Sidewinder.
Side always knew what to say to put the bully in his place
and change the subject back
to what it had been
and lightened the mood of the chat room.
I never even talked to him but he always made me feel safe ...
When Side was there,
we all knew Side would take care of things.
This week, I heard that Sidewinder died.
I never even knew his real name
but I cried
the same as if he was family.
Maybe, Side knows what I never even said ...
that he touched my life
at a time
when I was too broken to even speak
just by being
the good man he was ...

Thank you, Sidewinder,
for being a good friend to many.

You will be missed.
Loss ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it so totally awesome and wonderful when we meet people who uplift us and make our world a better place just because they're in it? I'm glad that I came upon your journal one day and connected with you. Love, Barb