Friday, March 10, 2006

Finding Comfort

Well ... I have a HOPE CHEST and a really cool TOY BOX ... Now, how about a COMFORT DRAWER?  Sarah Ban Breathnach, in her book, SIMPLE ABUNDANCE - A Daybook of Comfort and Joy, has some good ideas on this one too!
Outfitting A Comfort Drawer
A little of what you fancy does you good.
                                                       - Marie Lloyd
Life requires that we prepare ourselves for the inevitable times that try our souls.  This is achieved with a comfort drawer.  Comfort drawers are for those nights when you feel as if you'd like to pull the covers over your head and never come out.  My refuge is the right-hand bottom drawer of my dresser, where I stockpile small indulgences throughout the year.  But many of my comforts were originally gifts that I simply saved for whenever a homegrown unhappiness remedy might be required.
Let's see what we find:  a box of chocolate truffles, miniature (one serving size) fruit cordials and after dinner drinks; an aromatherapy bath treatment to promote serenity; various British decorating magazines (look for them at large cosmopolitan newsstands); a small vial of Bach's Rescue Remedy" a homeopathic essence available at Heath Food Stores; a velvet herbal sleeping pillow to induce pleasant dreams; a satin eye mask to shut out distractions; rose-scented bubble bath and talc; old love letters tied with a silk ribbon; a scrapbook of personal mementos; a tin of fancy biscuits; and an assorted gift sampler of unusual teas.
Notice the simply abundant pattern of pleasure?  Here is all that required for the spoiling and pampering of a world-weary woman (or man-I know guys like to pamper themselves too!); a fabulous bath, something scrumptious to nibble, something sentimental to conjure up happy memories, something lovely to sip, and something delightful to read.  Now, change your sheets, fill your hot water bottle, and assemble a half dozen white votive candles on a tray.  Place the tray on your dresser in front of a mirror, strike a match,  and ceremoniously create your own northern lights.  Play some soothing music and put on your favorite pajamas or nightgown.  Get into bed and luxuriate.  If this doesn't work, take two aspirins and call me in the morning.
When outfitting your comfort drawer, be sure to line it with a lovely floral shelf paper and tuck in some scented sachets so that the drawer will be a delight to your senses.  Wrap your comforts in pretty jewel colored tissue paper and tie them with beautiful ribbons.  This way, when you open your drawer, you'll see a dazzling array of wonderful presents - gifts of the heart for the most deserving person you know.
(an entry from SIMPLE ABUNDANCE - A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach)
Inspired again ... I have things like that scattered all over the house, but putting them all in one place would be like a HUG in a drawer!
I would add some things ...

I have a album of pictures ... postcards, magazine photographs or photos of places I have been or where I would like to go ... It has become a fun place to turn to when I'm too tired to go for a walk or too tired to read ... I love mountains and sunsets and sunrises and lakes and scenery pictures ... home decorating pictures that include painted furniture ... flowers ... and over the years, I have collected LOTS of pictures ... in a way, my own picture book!
I have another journal where I have saved old letters and cards from loved ones ... When I'm blue, it feels good to remind myself of the kind things other people have said to me ... Remembering them and their kindness always makes me smile.
I have a few poetry books ... thoughtful collections.
There is something I like that might sound silly ... At fancy wine stores or winery's, they sell a thing called wine crackers.  They are tiny bite size, pillow looking, almost but not as sweet shortbread cookies.  I like to have just a few with a cup of herbal tea ...

Tea relaxes me ... and there are so many wonderful teas out there.  Health Food Stores have herbal teas that are almost medicinal ... not in taste, but in application.  Coffee Shops have flavored teas that are unusual and fun to try ... I do like the samplers ... but I always seem to come back to orange spice or licorice ...

Rochers makes a chocolate that is SOOOO GOOD!  You can buy them anywhere these days ... They are wrapped in gold foil that holds ... crunchy chocolate wrapped around softer truffle like chocolate wrapped around a macadamia or hazelnut.  They even come in a plastic box, so they will keep for a while ... to savor on a BE NICE TO ME DAY!
AVEDA makes a product called Blue Gel or Blue Oil.  The gel is a massage lotion for sore muscles and the oil is wonderful ... just a drop rubbed into both temples feels so relaxing and both are something we can do for ourselves ... They smell like peppermint ... nothing too strong ... but they sure can help with aches and pains.
I also found the neatest thing on EBay ... It is a light base that makes sounds like rain, mountain creek, seashore ... It came with 4 inch round glass ball with bubbles in it that sits on top of the light base ... You can pick your sound, the color you want and set it to shut off automatically in 15, 30, or 45 minutes ... It fills the room with the softest sound, the softest light ... It's called RELAXOR.
I have a friend who LOVES candles as much as I do ... She has collected all sorts of clear crystal juice glasses, cut and etched, different sizes and styles, and mixed them with clear candle sticks and even a few wine glasses.  She arranged them with white tea light, votive and taper candles on a tray with potpourri.  She doesn't tuck it in a drawer but keeps it out, ready to light at a moments notice.  It's just beautiful.  She found the old juice glasses at yard sales and antique shops ... bought a few at clearance sales, one at a time ... They are all different but it looks like they were all bought together!  Maybe, because they were all clear?
Since we have left the drawer and we are talking about other comforts ... I also have the softest, most snuggly afghan that I keep draped over my favorite chair ... Some days just need a comfortable chair and a cozy throw to wrap around the day!
Hmmm ... I have tissue paper and all sorts of ribbon and beads ... I think I'll collect all those comfort inducing things, wrap them up and put them in a drawer with tags that say ... 

From ME, To ME, With LOVE!

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