Friday, November 17, 2006

TGIF ~ Five Things I Am THANKFUL For !!!



I am THANKFUL for ...
... the kind of family that never ceases to amaze me!

Yesterday, I went over to my daughter in laws to help her hang some pictures and rearrange for my granddaughter's birthday.  IN the process, we got to talking about making a photo collage and she showed me some old pictures of her as a baby.
I looked at the picture and froze.  Of course, I can see my kids in my granddaughter's face, but my daughter-in-law could have been one of my own children.  She looked SO MUCH like my own kids when they were young!

I haven't totally sorted out how I feel about the whole reincarnation thing, but it's moments like this where I feel something so familiar (much like some of you here) that I think ... maybe ... I think we know so little about God and what's possible.  The older I get, the more I am filled with WONDER at the possibilities.   
I am THANKFUL for ...
... my Grandma Happy's 95th birthday! 

Grandma turned 95 this week.  She's in pretty good health.  I have written about her before many times.  Perhaps it says it all to say that the four generations that have followed her all refer to her as "Grandma Happy"!  I can't help but WONDER ... How many of us wouldn't LOVE to reach the end of our lives with the same?


I am THANKFUL for ...
... the kind of friends that make me THINK!

Artists ... whether they are painters, photographers, musicians or writers or poets ... have always spoken of their muses.  The people who were touch points and sparks for their creativity.  My life is full of people just like you and new people are coming into my life every day!  
With your arrival, you bring new ideas and thoughts that have sent me on the most wonderful adventures.  I am learning to much to measure my life in years when so many moments are filled with WONDER!
I am THANKFUL for ...
Continued mysteries at HEALING Creek. 
Last week, I mentioned the strange music that floats along the river valley to our house ... Now that more of the leaves have fallen, I can hear it more clearly.  It is a continuous loop of choral music.  I love it.  It sounds like angels singing!  WONDER where it's coming from?  We are no closer than we were to figuring out where it comes from.  I think I'll buy a poinsettia to give to the person as a thank you gift when I find out WHO they are!

I still see "my hawk" but the other one has not been around ... WONDER where they went?  I am hoping that Petra is right when he says the other one might be "home" waiting for the other to bring supper?  It is amazing to watch them soar ... even more relaxing than an aquarium of fish!
We have a new bird ... I think ... hanging out by the creek.  Usually late in the afternoon, we can hear it squawk ... It makes a noise that sounds like, "Quaw-arrrrrrrrrrk!"  WONDER what it is?  Any ideas?


I am THANKFUL for ...

The weather is turning colder, which means I get to use some of my favorite things:
Warm Sweaters
Soft socks ... Okay, true confessions ... I LOVE socks!  All colors, especially the SOFT ones.  I must have 100 pair and when I go shopping, I often look for more ... I wear holiday socks and bright colored socks and "fun socks" (except those individual toes things ... They make me crazy!)
Cozy Throws and quilts!  Is there anything BETTER than snuggling in a quilt or a comforter or a throw?!!!
LOTS and LOTS of HOT TEA!!! 
My kids LOVE this TEA and it's easy to make!

     RUSSIAN TEA (also called Friendship Tea)

     1/2 cup Instant Tea
     1 cup Tang
     1/2 cup Instant Lemonade
     1/2 cup Sugar (optional ... sweet enough without it, to me!)
     1/2 tsp. cloves
     1 tsp. cinnamon
     Mix well and store in airtight container. 
     Stir 2-3 teaspoons in a cup of hot water.

The Glow of Candles and Oil Lamps
The Warmth of a Fire Burning
... in the Fireplace Inside or the New Fire-pit Outside.
The "Excuse" to SNUGGLE ... (wink) ... I know the temperature didn't NEED to be quite so low some of the times, but isn't it fun when they are?!!!

And with that,
I close my eyes and send
Good Energy ... Happy Thoughts ... WONDER
to all of YOU.
I hope you are having a WARM weekend,
as we draw closer to the season of


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