Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I-35 Bridge Collapse

As some of you may know, I am from Minnesota.  I am watching Fox TV - Minneapolis streaming video on the Internet:
MyFox Twin Cities | Fox 9 News | myfoxtwincities 

The I-35 Bridge over the Mississippi River near downtown Minneapolis collapsed at 6:05 pm tonight.  So far, they have confirmed 6 dead.  They estimate that 50 cars have gone in the water, twisted in with concrete and steel.  The rescue effort has been changed to a recovery effort.

I am grateful that a busload of 60 children were not hurt and evacuated safely.  I am grateful for all of the survivors.  I am grateful for the onlookers who jumped into the water to help.

I am most grateful, as a Minnesotan, that when the call for help went out, Fire and Rescue came from departments all over the state.  Within an hour, the place was crawling with Firemen and EMS Personnel.  Minnesota is one of the few places where neighbors still band together with neighbors when there is an emergency.  Today, that spirit saved many lives.

I am posting tonight to ask those of you who pray to please pray for those who were injured, for the families of those who were involved, for the families of those who lives were lost tonight and for those rescue and recovery workers who are still on site.  They will have a long night.

If any of you who live closer have any more news, I would appreciate hearing updates.  You can PM me if you prefer not to comment publicly.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

God Bless Everyone! Love, Barb

Anonymous said...


This morning's news reports are actually much more hopeful.  They say that because so many of the sections fell straight down, there was less loss of life.  Thank goodness.  Angels must have been riding with that schoolbus full of children too!  It isn't good, but any means, but to have happened at rush hour, it could have been so much worse.

Feeling very thankful ...
