Sunday, September 24, 2006

Counting Our Sisters Tears






This morning, I searched for just one image of a woman crying and what I found was hundreds of images from every decade and every nation of women crying and weeping at the horrible event that marked that moment ...

The images touched my heart and made me realize just how much we are all alike ... We might look different on the outside but our hearts break in the exact same way on the inside.  Hopefully, the images and my attempt at poetry will only add to the meaning of the verse I tried to create an image for ...

It certainly caused me to pause in the midst of my morning routine and say a prayer for all those women out there who weep ... those that wept yesterday, today and those that find themselves weeping tomorrow ... Perhaps, in the midst of your day, you will remember them in your hearts too?


Counting Our Sisters Tears

If women are the heart of the home,
Their tears certainly are the herald for change.
Women have wept at the start,
The duration,
The end of every single war,
Every skirmish, every battle,
Every act of terrorism,
Every gang fight, every drive-by shooting,
Every bombing,
Every violence committed against any one of us.
Death shows no favor,
Crushing heroes and anti-heroes equally
While women weep.
Mothers, Sisters, Wives and Friends
Cling to one another and cry
At the loss of each life ...
And the devastation they feel connected to.
They beg the universe for mercy
For the
Men and women they knew
And the strangers too.
And while our sisters weep,
Where are you?

(From the Hebrew Talmud)
Be very careful if you make a woman cry
because God counts her tears.
The woman came out of the man's rib ...
Not from his feet to be walked on ...
Not from his head to be superior ...
But from the side ... to be equal ...
Under the arm to be protected ...
And next to the heart to be loved.

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