Wednesday, September 6, 2006

End of Summer

Last weekend, my brother and his family came for a short but WONDERFUL visit!  He had never gone on a vacation anywhere, so he was like a kid exploring.
We had a cook out with his family, my oldest daughter and her family and my son and his family.  We had dogs and kids ... ring-around-the-rosie on the back porch, gardening 101 in the kitchen (My sister-in-law won yard of the month!  Isn't that cool?!!!  She is my new hero!) sports on tv in the living room, a movie in the back room and a river hike all going on at the same time ... lol ... It was GREAT!
My daughter-in-law brought her new ice cream maker.  The kids were so excited that we didn't let the ice cream set up much ... just served it soft in glasses with some chocolate sauce and a few fresh raspberries on top!  After just a few minutes on the back porch and the afternoon heat, we all had great milkshakes!
My youngest granddaughter started giggling and looking around at all of us, said, "I'm laughing!  Isn't this fun?"  We all laughed too.  It was pretty fun to rock on the back porch and eat home made ice cream with some of the neatest people you would ever want to meet! 
I've been in the garden and working in the yard in between company from out of town.  It's looking like I am actually going to be able to put in six apple trees this fall!
I have a few friends who are thinning out some of their flowers so I have added another garden for the "new babies"!  Crepe Myrtle and forsythia can be started from "suckers" from older plants so I'm in search of both ... I have even stopped at neighbors and asked if I could separate the suckers from the plants if I replace it with potting soil ... less work for them and a good start on a plant for me!
I saw a drawing of a raised garden last week.  Joey thinks we could build raised beds using all the natural rock around here to make rock walls instead of using cross ties ... I would love to have a real big vegetable garden but the soil here is SO ROCKY ... I have to carve out areas, remove rock and replace with extra good top soil to grow much of anything ... quite a chore ... so the raised bed idea sure sounds good to me ... plus, I could sit on the side of the bed and weed ... How cool would that be?
When it's been too rainy or too hot, I've been cleaning out all the stack of old magazines and saved articles and other things I always thought I just had to save!  For what?  I'm wondering?  Most of the stuff I saved, could easily be found on the Internet anytime I need it and the extra room feels great!
In fact, I even shop differently ... I see lots of things I like but I have to wonder where will I put it, how much do I really need it, how long will it be before I am sick of it, and after I'm sick of it, could I get any money for it when I sell it on EBay?  I really have everything I need.  I like my house the way it is and I don't want to clutter it up on a whim!
There was a time I used to shop just for the sake of shopping, like I would buy "the perfect thing" and everything would be right with the world.  Some people drink.  Some people smoke.  Some people have other vices.  I shopped!  I had a big empty place inside of me that was just crying to be filled ... but in recovery, I have learned that the only thing that can truly fill those gaps in ourselves is US.  There isn't enough alcohol, cigarettes, pills or shopping bags in the whole world to fill up even one tiny lonely space inside us!  In recovery, we become whole people.  We develop healthier ways to fill those empty spaces and somehow, after years of work, we don't really feel the need for alcohol, cigarettes, pills or shopping bags (or whatever vice holds or has held us in it's grip)!  It's a miracle!
Seems like that could be a topic for a whole post on a different day ... we'll have to come back to that! 
While cleaning up, I found these sayings about aging and had to laugh out loud.  Some of them sound just like something we'd say! 
Which one reminds you most of you?
Reporters interviewing a 104-year old woman by asking, "What is the best part of turning 104?"
She replied, "No peer pressure!"
My memory is not as sharp as it used to be. 
Also, my memory is not as sharp as it used to be.
Know how to prevent sagging?  Just eat until the wrinkles fill out!
It's scary when you start to make the same noises in the morning as your coffee maker!
Don't think of it as hot flashes ... Think of it as your inner child playing with matches!
Remember:  You don't stop laughing because you grow old. 
You grow old because you stop laughing.
The Senility Prayer:
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
The good fortune to run into the ones I do,
And the eyesight to tell the difference.
Maybe, you have a good one to add to the list?

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