Thursday, September 28, 2006

Touched By The Shadows of Hawks


What a GREAT day!

I talk a lot about every day miracles and keeping your eyes open ... Let me share yesterday's miracle with you!

I was working out in the yard, when I heard all the birds go quiet.  I looked up to see a red tailed hawk skim across my yard only 7-8 feet above my head!  His shadow crossed over me and I froze ... watching him circle slowly upward, riding a thermal as he searched for food.

I heard another hawk cry behind me and watched as the second hawk joined the first and they began to circle around each other, riding the same column of air, soaring wide and occasionally dipping behind the trees or flying in front of the sun where I would lose them for a minute because the sun was so bright.  My eyes were watering from looking into the bright sunshine but I didn't want to miss a moment of their dance in the clear blue sky.

I watched the hawks circling over my yard. 
Their shadows crossed over me more than once and my heart would skip a beat at being close enough to feel their shadows.  It was magical.

They soared and dived behind some trees as they moved up the creek.  "Come back", I whispered, but even as I whispered, I heard the other birds in the yard begin to chirp and the squirrels resumed their play among the trees.

My short visit with the hawks had ended but it was AWESOME while it lasted!

I packed up my tools and put the cart away, went inside and got cleaned up, thinking about the hawks as I made supper.  After we had eaten, I cleaned the kitchen and came in here to read what is becoming one of my favorite web-sites, DailyOm. 

Here was yesterday's entry ...


Hawk Medicine
The Power Of Perspective

Hawks have the power to soar high above the earth, giving them a perspective previously only available to the inhabitants of the heavens above. Because of this, people from various cultures throughout history have seen them as messengers of spirit, bringing wisdom from the heavens and the value of their higher vision down to earth. From their vantage point, riding on the wind and sunlight, they remind us today that there is a bigger picture to be seen. When we get bogged down with the details of what is right in front of us, hawks help us remember that we are part of a larger plan and that everything fits together beautifully and perfectly. Once in this expanded frame of mind, we can harness their reputation as visionaries, using their keen eyesight to focus on the exact spot that truly needs our attention. With inspiration and focus on our goal, hawks teach us how to interpret and then follow our personal vision.

Hawks were thought to be able to look directly into the sun and see what is not visible to the rest of us. Using our spiritual vision, we too can look deeply into the inner light that guides us, seeing clearly what is not visible unless sought: our personal truth glowing within us. With that knowledge, we, like the hawk, can confidently ride the winds of chance, moving as one with the flow of whirling energy. This ability is what inspired the Egyptians to make hawks the hieroglyphic symbol for the wind.

The hawk's ability to live on land but visit the sky is a good reminder for us all. They remind us that their strength and survival comes from communing regularly with the spirit and bringing the guidance received into earthly affairs. Soaring in the province of the heavenly bodies of the sun, the stars, and the wind that moves the clouds reminds us to consider a larger perspective, one that inspires us to move through the world we inhabit with strength, certainty, and grace.

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It gave me goose bumps to read about what I had just watched in the yard only a few hours before! ... and even as I tell you about life's coincidences and how they have been arriving back to back for me lately, I know that it will seem almost too perfect to some of you.  A few skeptics may even wonder if I'm making it up.  I know that because there was a time before my life worked this way that I would have thought the same thing!

I am sharing this because it illustrates how much a life can change ... and there are some out there who badly need to know that your life CAN be different than what it is now.

My life was a jumbled up mess just a short time ago.  I had reached the lowest point in my life.  Just when I didn't think it could get any worse ... something happened to wake me up and life has not been the same since! 

I tore down everything, threw out most of the garbage and baggage I'd been dragging around throughout my life and started remodeling and reprogramming the way I think.  It's called recovery because it is the process by which we reclaim and recover our authentic selves, the person we were always meant to be.  Recovery requires that we GET REAL with ourselves and others.  We begin to live a more ordered life on the edge of a much calmer sea. 
It is amazing how creating order on the inside can establish order on the outside.  There is more time in my life and more room in my mind and my heart to notice the wonder that is around me!  When I am less consumed with my worries and troubles, my intuition and perception is able to stretch much further than it ever has! 

I am awake!  I am aware! I am alive!
Life is not supposed to be DRUGERY!  No matter where you are or where you aren't, what you are doing or what you are not doing, how much money you have or don't have, you can change the way you live TODAY!  Yes, YOU.  You don't need anyone else.  You have all you need INSIDE YOU!  You already have all the answers INSIDE YOU!
I'm telling you the absolute TRUTH.  It's like Gandhi said, IF YOU WISH FOR CHANGE, BE THE CHANGE!
"That's too simple", you say?  Why do you think that?  Why do you want to make life so hard on yourself?
You say ... "I don't know all the things you have to deal with.  No one could be happy with all that going on" ... Really?  There are people much worse off than you who are just happy to be alive today.
I hear you ... "Yes, but things have happened to me that have damaged me" ... Well, fix it!  If you need healing, find it!  If you need hope, look for it.  I don't mean drive by a church or temple and hope some of the goody rubs off.  I mean look for what you have lost the same way you would look for a lost contact lens ... inch by inch and step by step.
I'm sharing my coincidences with you because I want you to see how it can be.  I want to share hope.  Living a life with back to back blessings is not the way my life has always been!  It took work to get to this place of gratitude and joy, but if I can do it, you can too.  I'm not one bit smarter or stronger or richer or prettier than any of you! 

I am a quite ordinary woman who has found the most extraordinary life and I want to share the possibility of such a life with you ... because HEALING is possible for all of us. 


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