Sunday, September 17, 2006

Forgiveness for Yourself and Others

Imagine vividly a situation where you have acted badly,
One about which you feel guilty,
One you might even wince even to think of it.

Then, as you breathe in,
Accept total responsibility for your actions
In that particular situation,
Without in any way trying to justify your behavior.

Acknowledge exactly what you have done wrong,
And wholeheartedly ask for forgiveness.
Now, as you breatheout,
Reconciliation, forgiveness, healing, and understanding.

So you breathe in blame,
And breathe out the undoing of harm;
You breathe in responsibility,
Breathe out
Healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

This exercise is particularly powerful
And may give you the courage to go to see the person
Whom you have wronged,
And the strength and willingness to talk
To him or her directly and
Ask for forgiveness
From the depths of your heart.

Forgiveness Quotes
About Getting & Giving Forgiveness:

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