Monday, May 29, 2006


Learning what it means to be empty and transparent
is the daily path of the wise.
It is a path that does not require a bulging portfolio
of knowledge and technique,
but the simple commitment on a moment-to-moment
level to let go of the forces that obscure compassion.
We learn to loosen our hold on resentment,
demand, and fear.
We learn to let go of our stories rooted in the past
and our anxieties about the future.
We learn to let go of our "shoulds",
historical angers, and opinions.
We learn to listen wholeheartedly in each moment
and to understand suffering and its causes.
A moment of letting go
is a moment of listening to the universe
in which all thoughts of "I" and "you" dissolve.
Learning to let go of the heart of separation,
the heart of compassion can emerge. 

Patient, kind, tolerant, and forgiving compassion
is the mother of calm simplicity.

For whatever words or actions
I have expressed that have harmed you,
I ask your forgiveness.

I forgive you for the words and actions
you have expressed that have harmed me.

So simple to understand but so hard to do ...

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