Friday, May 19, 2006

Life's Balancing Act

I love beginnings ...
sweet meetings of the minds ...
discovering the blessed synchronicity of souls ...
the realization that the friends we choose
say as much about us as it says about them ...
It isn't lost on me that choosing me
says as much about them as it does about me.
My life is full of open, loving people ...
although my heart has often made room
for people who needed me much more
than I might have needed them ...
I have an affinity for the underdogs.
I have always collected strays.
I was rewarded every time
with the company of angels ...
true saints inhuman form who
balanced my life
their wisdom and spontaneous laughter ...
I have not mastered endings ...
I don't know that I shall ever get it right.
My heart breaks at the loss of every loved one ...
whether they be the underdog,
the sinner and the stray
or the angel, the saint,
and the pillar of strength ...
I do not know how to say good-bye
to even one of those
ripped from my life ...
I know with my head
that people come and people go,
Tides come in and tides go out,
Night has to follow day
so that day can follow night,
Flowers need sunshine and rain
to be beautiful and strong ...
I know this with my head.
I can't embrace it with my heart ...
When so many departures
are scheduled so closely ...
Does heaven need them all at once?
What JOY there must be in heaven
at the collection
of so many precious saints!
I can close my eyes and imagine them ...
the hugs and the cheer ...
I can see them at their finest,
shining from the inside out.
I am grateful for their health
and return to vitality.
I can feel them saying ...
"Don't miss me too much. 
I really like it here!
We'll see each other soon enough.
You'll really like the view!
You haven't really lost us.
We're there inside of you ...
as close as our memory,
Our words can replay at will.
You'll hear our love played back to you
Because we love you still.
Don't be sad
that you didn't get to say good-bye.
You can't say good-bye to love!
It is the same here as it is there ...
See you later
See you soon ...
You loving us and us loving you ..."
Whether death takes a loved one
to that other place,
Or life moves a loved one
to fill another space ...
The end result is the same
to those of us who are left behind ...
We close our eyes and think of them,
knowing that they are gone ...
but knowing too
that they're here inside of us ...
as close as our memory,
Our words can replay at will.
We'll hear their love played back to us
Because we love them still.
Maybe, we don't have to master endings
when nothing really ends ...
Once someone touches our life
and we share each other's heart,
Love creates a ripple
that grows into a wave ...
that carries us through our life
and way beyond the grave.
(I am not a poet or ever claimed to be!   ~ kktaylorcc)

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