Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Welcome To My Journal!

I am excited for the chance to tell my story to you ... not because I am so special, but because when I first started to recover from an abusive relationship, there were people who helped me, and now, maybe my story will help you?

I do not use my abuser's real name.  This isn't about him ... My story is about surviving him and abusive men like him. 

I never thought I would be the kind of woman that would be a victim of domestic violence ... I thought I was too smart ... but anybody can be a victim!  Victims come from everywhere ... We are pretty and plain, short and tall, old and young, all races, all creeds ... We can be in your church.  Our kids can be on the same soccer team.  You might even pass us in the grocery store.  We could be high school drop-outs or college professors.  We are everywhere!

The way we become a victim is slow and not so pretty ... 

The way we take back our lives and become survivors is AWESOME!  

I did it.  You can do it too!  Maybe, my words will help you start the recovery process?  Maybe, they'll encourage you along the way?  Maybe, I will remind you of a darker time in your own life, and like me, you will be thankful that those memories were lessons learned in the distant past?  My words and wish for you are from the same place we all start recovery ... hope.

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