Monday, January 9, 2006

Another Survivor's Voice

I wanted you to hear another voice.  Meet Marianne.  These are her words.  The first time I read them, I was surprised that someone could say something so close to what I was thinking!  So many of us share the same feelings!  We are not alone.  Others have been here and others have survived. 

I love the way she writes about her little child and bringing her home to stay ... So many of us have spent lifetimes looking for someone else to take care of our inner child.  No one else can.  That's our job, and when we take care of her, Life begins to take care of us.  


The Rights of Every Woman

Every woman has the right to receive emotional support from their partner.
Every woman has the right to be heard by their partner to be responded to with courtesy.
Every woman has the right to have their feelings and experiences acknowledged as real and valid.
Every woman has the right to clear and informative answers to questions that concern them.
Every woman has the right to live free from criticism and judgment.
Every woman has the right to live free from accusations and blame.
Every woman has the right to receive encouragement from their partner.
Every woman has the right to live free from emotional, physical and verbal threats.
Every woman has the right to be respectfully asked, rather than "ordered".
Every woman has the right to live free from angry outbursts and rage.


A Letter to My Abuser

Tell me again now, please,
What did you feel when you shoved me?
Because you’re twice my size, you felt strong?
Oh, well let me tell you how you’re wrong.

Being strong is showing love,
Not putting on boxing gloves.
Takes a stronger man to show control,
Than it does to knock a woman out cold.

It’s a real man, who is gentle,
You, you are detrimental.
A real man doesn’t want to control you,
A real man wants only to console you.

Why is it you never strike another man?
Maybe because they’re bigger than I am.
Just remember, when you see my black eyes,
That doesn't make you a man, you are twice my size.

Size does not make the man,
What's in your heart is all that can.
You must learn all the rules,
Love and gentleness are the needed tools.


It Still Remains

All the pain still remains......
Locked up deep, deep inside
Still hurting
Although it's perpetrator is gone
I had forgotten what happiness was.



I met the little girl
inside of me today
I brought her home
with me to stay
To heal the wounds
that go so deep,
For they are forever
mine to keep
And even though they'll leave a scar
I won't let my little girl wander far,
Behind the walls inside of me
For light is all I want her to see

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